Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Scheduling Matches

Week 1 is quickly approaching. We need some commitment on players. As of Today we have Nina, Chaffee, I think Jenks (no response from last email) and the Capt. Griff is away for 2 weeks as is Coogs, so rescheduling will not help us there. Defaulting is not an option. There is a new RISRA rule that says if you Default a match your team loses a point. Therefore, it's better to bring up someone just to have a warm body out there and get 0 points in the match rather than the subtraction of points. I'll check to see if Turner is available.

This is not the way we want to start the season. For those of you who travel for work, please "decline" all trips, seminars, conferences, sales calls, trade-shows and the like which will require you to miss any and all Tuesdays through April. I'm sure the boss will not be offended. If you already know your schedule let me know so I can work around it.

SQUASH GATHERING/ Riley's 50th - Thurs. 11/2
Hope to see you all there. I understand the Amstel Light will be free. However, and this might be mind blowing, there is a group of people involved with the "Temperence Society." No booze has ever crossed their lips. Although I don't think I've ever met one of these people and I'm sure there are no squash players as members, it stands to reason that if these people can do it so can we. Remember, "[t]here's a burger in every beer." - Gen. G. Patton

Capt. Morgan

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